Omnia Protocol (OMNIA) Price

Contract Address

ETH 0x2E7e487D84B5BAbA5878A9833fb394bC89633Fd7

BSC 0xB53cc8303943582949b9a23f0556b0f0C41Fec98

About Omnia Protocol (OMNIA)

OMNIA, founded in 2021, is a specialized RPC provider for DeFi traders, developed by cybersecurity, privacy and trading experts. We address DeFi-specific challenges like front-running and MEV exploitation. Our advanced features, including real-time pending transaction streams and robust transaction broadcasts, ensure fast and secure transactions. OMNIA’s cutting-edge infrastructure makes it a go-to choice for optimized DeFi trading.

Blockchain is transparent by nature, so your data is not private by default. OMNIA Protocol provides a secure blockchain nodes infrastructure decentralizing the blockchain node by node, network by network, and bringing privacy, security and compliance to your blockchain transactions. 

OMNIA continues to integrate new wallets on the dashboard to enhance user experience.  Users benefit from the flexibility and freedom to choose a wallet that best suits their needs. They can switch between different wallets for various transactions, enjoy enhanced security features from each, or even use multiple wallets for diversification.

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