Tokenize Xchange (TKX) Price

Contract Address

ETH 0x667102bd3413bfeaa3dffb48fa8288819e480a88

About Tokenize Xchange (TKX)

Tokenize is a next generation cryptocurrency exchange as the centre of a safe and smart ecosystem for trading, financing & crypto spending for both individuals and institutions.

Blockchain or crypto is the next revolution towards our Financial System. Other than being a technology, it is also a revolution. Such movement won’t be simple unless there’s a safe and secure infrastructure for both individuals and institutions being built around the globe.

We have and will continue to work hard to provide users with a high-integrity choice, and we look forward to earning and maintaining their trust.

Tokenize is a Singapore company regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). We are subject to capital reserve requirements, cybersecurity requirements, and banking compliance standards set forth by the MAS.

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