Node coin (NC) Price

Contract Address

SOL B89Hd5Juz7JP2dxCZXFJWk4tMTcbw7feDhuWGb3kq5qE

About Node coin (NC)

Nodepay is a platform where users can contribute unused internet bandwidth and data to support real-time AI training and development. By downloading the desktop extension and mobile app, anyone can participate and earn rewards by contributing to the future of AI.

In today's world, AI development is controlled by a few large corporations. Nodepay is changing this by creating a decentralized ecosystem where.

From the earliest days of human civilization, knowledge-sharing networks have been the foundation of progress. Through language, art, and technology, societies have connected, learned, and grown together. However, as these networks expanded—from the printing press to the internet—control over information began to concentrate in the hands of a few powerful entities.

Nodepay was developed to make it easier to retrieve high quality data and make it useful for AI training. To address these challenges, Nodepay has built a decentralized ecosystem where every participant is fairly rewarded for their contributions. Our solutions to this problem include.

Our mission is to provide an ecosystem for users to own and access AI with real time data intelligence. Nodepay is dedicated to transforming AI from a centralized tool into a decentralized resource that empowers individuals and businesses worldwide. 

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