Giga Chad (GIGA) Price

Contract Address

SOL 63LfDmNb3MQ8mw9MtZ2To9bEA2M71kZUUGq5tiJxcqj9

About Giga Chad (GIGA) 

Gigachad is a meme that has been around for years that is now a worldwide phenomenon. The meme is based off of a photoshoot of Russian bodybuilder Ernest Khalimov who was coined "Gigachad" for his perfect physique, jawline, and being a symbol of what a peak masculine male should strive for. $GIGA is a community run cryptocurrency token built on the Solana blockchain. It is a token built exclusively for high testosterone individuals with a focus on self improvement, masculinity, and becoming a true Gigachad.

Internet usage skyrocketed in the early 2000's and companies quickly understood the importance of network effects. From this, social media was born from the ashes. With this rise of the internet, "memes" became commonplace. They were silly jokes and trends that people would share with their friends. One share would turn into 2 shares, then 4 shares and so on and suddenly a meme is "viral".

In this same way, having "normies" in early into a viral meme like Gigachad causes a similar network effect. One person excited about the cryptocurrency attracts 2 new normies, which attracts 4 more and so on.

With Gigachad being one of the few most viral memes of all time, the rise of the masculinity movement, and the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency - the timing has never been more perfect for a meme like Gigachad to take the world by storm.

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