Akash Network (AKT) Price


About Akash Network (AKT)

Akash is an open network that facilitates the secure and efficient buying and selling of computing resources. Purpose-built for public utility, it is fully open-source with an active community of contributors.

The Akash Compute Marketplace is where users lease computing resources from Cloud providers before deploying a Docker container on the Akash Container Platform. The marketplace stores on-chain records of requests, bids, leases, and settlement payments using the Akash Token (AKT). Akash’s blockchain is a Tendermint based application built on the Cosmos SDK.

The cost of hosting your application using Akash is about one-third the cost of Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. You can check the prices live using the price comparison tool.

The decentralized cloud is a shift from computing resources being owned and operated by the three large Cloud companies (Amazon, Google, and Microsoft) to a decentralized network of Cloud providers running open source software developed by a community, leading to the emergence of a new cloud computing model. This model takes the shape of an open marketplace made up of many providers, all of whom are competing to provide resources.

Like Airbnb for server hosting, Akash is a marketplace that gives you control over the price you pay and the amenities included (we call them attributes). Akash gives app developers a command-line tool for leasing and deploying apps right from a terminal. Akash taps into the massive market of underutilized resources sitting idle in the estimated 8.4 million data centers globally. Any containerized applications running on the centralized cloud can run faster and at a lower cost on the Akash decentralized cloud.

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