Supra (SUPRA) Price


About Supra (SUPRA)

Supra is a powerful Layer-1 blockchain ecosystem bringing users a new level of interoperability and decentralization. Supra's suite of groundbreaking protocols includes a highly-performant decentralized oracle, a trustless, decentralized bridge, and a highly-advanced decentralized Verifiable Random Function (dVRF) service.

Supra’s vertical integration, driven by our own Moonshot consensus algorithm, which has the ability to process 530K transactions per second throughput across 125 nodes globally distributed, with 500-millisecond optimistic finality and ~1.5–2 secs full block finality, placing it head and shoulders above many other competing consensus mechanisms.

Web3 builders have been turning to AppChains and Layer 2s to benefit from sovereign blockspace — dedicated environments free from congestion, driven by their own custom token economies. These models have gained strong product-market fit by offering builders freedom over governance, fees, and the limited performance of older generation L1s. However, they come with serious trade-offs: high setup costs, complex integrations (bridging, oracles, automation, and VRF), lack of atomic composability, and thus fragmented liquidity.

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