Ondo Finance (ONDO) Price

Contract Address

ETH 0xfaba6f8e4a5e8ab82f62fe7c39859fa577269be3

About Ondo Finance (ONDO)

ONDO is a DeFi primitive that enables users to originate risk-isolated, fixed yield loans backed by yield-generating crypto-assets. It's unique because it's a permissionless protocol that allows users to interact on a peer-to-pool basis with no intermediaries. At Ondo, our mission is to make institutional-grade financial products and services available to everyone. 

We believe that blockchain technology has the potential to improve both the infrastructure of — and access to — financial products and services. We also believe that the best technical improvements need to be combined with the best practices from traditional finance, including investor protections, transparency in reporting, legal and regulatory compliance, intelligent and robust product structuring, working with the best service providers, and top-notch client service.

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