MON Protocol (MON) Price

Contract Address

ETH 0xc555d625828c4527d477e595ff1dd5801b4a600e

About MON Protocol

The goal of MON Protocol ( is to become a top publisher and developer of IPs and games that are native to the blockchain.

With the in-house produced Pixelmon Games—Pixelpals, Warriors of Nova Thera, and Hunting Grounds—MON Protocol made its debut. Since then, it has grown to amass a sizable fan base of web3-savvy gamers, with over a million users.

Immutable, Solana, and Aptos, three of the biggest gaming chains, have selected MON Protocol as their preferred game publisher.

Because of its chain-agnostic publishing platform, blockchain-native gaming projects may reach a wider audience of players and enthusiasts. Over 60 blockchain games and IPs have so far made use of MON's reach and publishing capabilities.

The ERC-20 fungible token known as "MON" is used by the MON Protocol as its publisher token. 

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