Status (SNT) Price

Contract Address

ETH 0x744d70fdbe2ba4cf95131626614a1763df805b9e

About Status (SNT)

The Status app is a secure wallet and communication tool, combining crypto wallet, messaging and communities. Status protects your privacy and rights while also promoting your sovereignty and freedom of expression.

Status is an open-source project providing the Status app software for free. You can download the app and build your community without needing permission from us or anyone else.

At Status, privacy is the principle that shapes our design and technology. You don't need to share your personal details, such as your phone number, email address or credit card information, to use Status.

We've designed the Status app to keep your personal information inaccessible to us because what you do on our app is not our business. Only you and the people you're talking to can read your conversations, and nobody, including Status, can censor your content or restrict your access to the app.

Status firmly believes in decentralization and permission lessness. You have complete control over your personal information, and no central authority can control it.

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