Monero (XMR) Price


About Monero (XMR)

Based on the CryptoNote technology, the most popular cryptocurrency focused on privacy is Monero (XMR), which is a safe, private, and untraceable payment system. Monero employs a unique form of cryptography to guarantee that every transaction it does is completely untraceable and unlinkable. You can see why something like Monero would become so appealing in a world where transparency is becoming more and more of a norm.

Bytecoin, the first real-world application of CryptoNote, was introduced in July of 2012. Despite the potential of Bytecoin, observers noted that 80% of the coins had already been released. Thus, it was determined that the BTC blockchain would split, and the newly created coins on the new chain would be known as Bitmonero. Later, this name was changed to Monero, which is Esperanto for "coin."

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